Massive climate funding exposed
Climate Money The Climate Industry: $79 billion so far – Trillions to come For the first time, the numbers from government documents have been compiled in one place. It’s time to start talking of...
View ArticleBankers, lawyers, investors disappointed: shucks
Hopes for carbon hub in jeopardy The Australian – Full story here. Note who is protesting at the slow delivery of an ETS…. AUSTRALIA’S ambitions to establish itself as an Asian carbon trading hub risk...
View ArticleWe paid to find a “crisis”
Since 1989 the US government has given nearly $80 billion dollars to the climate change industry. Thousands of scientists have been funded to find a connection between human carbon dioxide emissions...
View ArticleSub-prime carbon is coming
Behind the scenes, large financial houses are moving in stealthily. In 2008, carbon trading worldwide reached $126 billion and is projected to grow to become a $2-$10 trillion dollar market, or “The...
View ArticleThe money – you earn it, they print it. Welcome to the world of Corruption.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s obvious (to anyone who knows there’s no free lunch) that one way or another this Festival of Funny Money was going to end in tears. And so it flows… but let’s not forget what...
View ArticleThe Ground Zero of Global Corruption – it starts with The Currency
The scale of the rot is something to behold. Something is grossly, wantonly wrong with Western Civilization, and lots of people know it, but they don’t know why (and for the next blind rebellion, see,...
View ArticleWe are all Austrians now
The meme is spreading. Rapidly, day after day, I’m meeting more Skeptical-Austrians, and Austrian-Skeptics. I don’t mean the country, but the economics. James Delingpole-the-brilliant enjoyed my post:...
View ArticleThis gold bar is worth its weight in … tungsten — corruption knocks on every...
A gold bar that should have weighed 1,000 grams, weighed 2 grams too little. The owner had it cut in half to reveal that the certified, stamped bar with serial numbers had tungsten rods inserted all...
View ArticleMurdoch tweets about money printing and inflation, reality won’t be far behind
The game is up when everyone knows the only way out is printing money, because then everyone knows inflation is coming, and the bun-fight begins. Everyone wants the wage rise, the payment now, and to...
View ArticleBonds set record on record, stocks down, gold leaps
The world is so poised on the edge. The jitters are sweeping through tonight. Just suppose you have $100m in assets that you are nervous about. You cannot stick that amount in a bank, because...
View ArticleWhat Fiscal Cliff? It’s a fiscal-crack-in-the-pavement.
There is an economic crisis out there, but it isn’t the Fiscal Cliff. The best summary of the economics I’ve seen comes from Mark Steyn. The bipartisan Super Committee of Super Friends was supposed to...
View ArticleThe Ben Factor. One man drives a market. The world pretends it is “free”.
How much is that company worth? You can look at its PE, debt, market spread, sovereign risk, and discounted cash flow, but in the end, it’s the Ben Factor (BF) which dominates all companies, metal...
View ArticleQuantitative easing bleeds the poor and feeds the rich
In the past, David and I have written about how money supply is rampantly expanding, and how this benefits the spenders and the speculators while punishing the producers and the savers (in a relative...
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